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Existe alguma maneira de isso ser traduzido para o inglês? O jogo parece muito divertido.  (Eu traduzi este comentário do inglês usando o ChatGPT)


I could try translating it someday... Looking at the code, my past self from 3 years ago even started adding some vague support for language selection, but this being a jam game I guess I just gave up and wrote everything in Portuguese instead in order to finish it faster😅 (after all this was in part a Secret Santa gift for a Portuguese-speaking person).

Can't do it right now because I'm currently working on La Patifferie, trying to prepare at least a demo for a con next week, but I can try someday (the worst thing is that some of the dialogues are stored in a unfriendly format... oh well...)


Hey, no worries at all!  I know it's a bit of a big ask, and I'm never going to expect anybody to just bend over and translate something to English just because.  If it can't be translated, it's all good!  That puzzle game looks great too!  I just dropped you a follow so hopefully it shows up in my feed when it's done, and even if it doesn't I'm always searching Itch for new NES stuff to check out so I'll come across it then.


Thanks for the follow :) Besides La Patifferie you may keep an eye on Miroh Jr. as well, these two are the ones we(*) are currently focusing to be launched as full games. Miroh Jr. has a playable demo but we want to add some mechanics and balance some stuff after the feedback we've already had from it.

(* I say 'we' because M-Tee is doing the design and Raftronaut composes the soundtracks)

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Ohh!  I remember playing the original Miroh a while ago.  Miroh Jr looks so vibrant for an NES game.  I love it!

Oh!  And I see M-Tee is behind the Gruniozerca games!  Aw man, I gotta drop you all follows - this is one of those small NES powerhouse groups haha